Owned GLA (sq. ft) 113,833

Year built/renovated 2007
# of tenants at this location 26+

Available Space (sq. ft.) 1,210-1,300

Property Details

Highpoint Marketplace is nestled in the Gateway to the Rockies, Aurora, Colorado. Anchored by Safeway and complemented by fitness, beauty, health, and dining tenants.


Highpoint Marketplace is located in Aurora, CO, about 18 miles southeast of Denver. The center is located east of Route 83 along Hampden Avenue and Tower Road.



Radius 1 MILE 3 MILE 5 MILE
Population 21,157 147,844 282,958

Household Income

Radius 1 MILE 3 MILE 5 MILE
Median Household Income $84,880 $92,785 $84,652


Space N. Tenant Sq Ft

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